World War II - State of Washington
US Navy, USMC & US Coast Guard

Spokane County, Washington
US Navy, USMC & US Coast Guard
Page 4 of 4

Last Names, A to F, (Adams to Fulton) Page 1
Last Names, G to M, (Garcea to Myrhow) Page 2
Last Names, N to Z, (Nagle to Zwainz) Page 3

Spokane County Navy, USMC, Last Names, A to W Page 4

USN, USMC, USCG, 110 Names Total

US Navy-66 Names, USMC-43 Names, US Coast Guard-1 Name

Rank/RateLast, First, MI Service No.BranchStatusShip or Unit, Location DateCity or County
S1CAnderson Carl V 6656668USNRFODUSS Hoel DD-533, Samar25-Oct-44Spokane
MM2CArmstrong James H6643503USNRKIAUSS Boyd DD-544, PTO12/8/1943Spokane
F3CAshbaugh Clyde E 3859575USNFODUnknown Ship or Station, PTO1/291942Spokane
ENSBaker Bradford W 0-157787USNRFODFighting Sq 17, Solomons11/17/1943Spokane
CplBaldwin Philip G 271180USMCRKIA5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima3/11/1945Spokane
PHM2CBarker James D 6647389USNKIA2nd Marine Div, Tarawa11/20/1943Medical Lake
COXBarnhart Othar C 3931038USNFODUSS Pecos (AO-6), Java3/1/1942Spokane
PSgtBoone Sterling D 311197USMCKIA4th Marine Div, Marianas Is6/17/1944Spokane
RM3CBovie Robert J 8924706USNRKIAUSS Halsey Powell DD-686, 3/20/1945Spokane
CplBrown La Verne C 272370 USMCKIA4th Marine Div, Iwo Jima2/25/1945Spokane
ARM3Bumpus Norman E 6546107USNRFODPhotographic Sq 1, Solomons9/19/1943Spokane
CplBurke John F UnknownUSMCRKIAUnknown Unit, Hawaii8/16/1943Spokane
GM1CBurt Earl L 3932198USNFODUSS Brownson DD-518, PTO12/26/1943Spokane
SC2CCarlock Ralph J 5541153USNRFODUSS Hoel DD-533, PTO10/25/1944Spokane
TM1CChristopherson Raymond3933778USNFODUSS Herring SS-233, PTO7/5/1944Spokane
S2CCoyle Matthew Lewis 6648433USNRKIAUSS New Orleans CA-32, PTO11/30/1942Spokane
TM3CDauncey Francis R 8923420USNRKIAUSS Drexler DD-741, Okinawa5/28/1945Spokane
LT (jg.)Dean Carroll R O-298954USNRKIATorpedo Sq 7, USS Hancock1/21/1945Spokane
MMOM2Delbridge Chester A6644627USNRFODUSS Pompano SS-181, PTO10/15/1943Colbert
2 LTEk Bruce Henry 0-007534USMCFOD2nd MAW, Midway Island6/4/1942Spokane
S1CEmch Donald L. 6650978USNRFODUSS YO-159, New Hebrides1/14/1944Spokane
PFCEvanson Clifford B UnknownUSMCRKIA5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima2/28/1945Opportunity
2 LTFinucane Arthur E O-005926USMCRDNB2ndMAW, New Caledonia5/31/1942Spokane
LT (jg.)Fitzpatrick William PO-303570USNRDOWUSS Chara AKA-58, Luzon1/9/1945Opportunity
AMR2Fordyce Thomas A 4133712USNFODUnknown Ship or Unit, Atlantic8/10/1943Spokane
AOM2Freeman Delbert V 6652784USNRFODUnknown Ship or Unit, PTO15-Feb-45Spokane
PFCFrost Eugene J 268935USMCRKIA1st Marine Div, Palau Is9/15/1944Spokane
AMM3Gale James M 3933071USNKIAUnknown Unit, Manila Bay Area5/6/1942Spokane
HA1CGamble James T 8910796USNRKIA23rd Marines, Iwo Jima2/19/1945Spokane
PVTGerlatch Ernest E 536849 USMCRDOW3rd Marine Div, Iwo Jima4/3/1945Spokane
PVTGibler Keith S 978952 USMCRKIA5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima3/11/1945Spokane
CMMGifford John I 3682263USN FODUSS Brownson DD-518, PTO12/26/1943Spokane
PVTGilleland Earl L 887180USMCRKIA1st Marine Div, PTO5/10/1945Opportunity
PFCGoehri Homer Roy 423307USMC FODUnknown Unit, Solomons11/9/1943Opportunity
PFCGooding Gordon W 830441USMCRDOW3rd Marine Div, Iwo Jima2/26/1945East Farms
CMMHall Donovan G 3282090USNFODUSS Triton SS-201, 4/8/1943Spokane
PFCHansen Chester S 506315 USMCRKIA3rd Marine Div, Marianas Is7/24/1944Spokane
CAPHassell Alton J Jr. 3933186USNKIAUnknown Ship or Unit9/12/1945Spokane
S2CHerrmann Clarence A 3935043USNKIAUSS Hammann DD-412, Midway6/6/1942Millwood
YN2CHill Roderick T UnknownUSNKIAUnknown Ship or Unit8/3/1943Spokane
LtHolsten Claud C. 0-211770USNRFODUnknown Unit, Philippines9/10/1945Spokane
AMM3Howard Lloyd M 6656859USNRFODPatrol Bombing Sq 104, Luzon2/18/1945Spokane
PFCHutchings Karl C 477755 USMCRKIA1st Prov Marine Brig, Marianas7/25/1944Spokane
S2CJohnson Daniel E 6656001USNRFODUSS Liscome Bay CVE-56, 11/24/1943Spokane
YN2CJohnson LeRoy A 3933017USNDOWUSS Maryland BB-46, Leyte11/29/1944Spokane
S1CKeen John Edward 6540025USNRKIAUSS Enterprise CV-6, PTO8/24/1942Spokane
PFCKeller Stanley H 507751USMCRKIA5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima2/19/1945Spokane
CplKelly Richard Sims 830304USMCKIABuried At Sea, Iwo Jima3/1/1945Spokane
MM1CKimball Murry B 3718427USNKIA-POWNagoya POW Camp, Japan8/30/1944Deep Creek
PFCKnight Marvin A 830423USMCRKIA2nd Marine Div, Marianas Is7/2/1944Spangle
CM1CKobloth Raleigh W 6543926USNRKIAARD-6, Floating Drydock, PTO5/3/1945Spokane
CAPTKraus Raymond C O-08794USMCRKIA4th Marine Div, Marianas Is6/27/1944Spokane
CplKubicek Milton W 402970USMCRKIA5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima3/13/1945Spokane
SC2CKuonen Alvin E 3933842USNFODUSS Jarvis, Solomon Islands8/9/1942Spokane
AMM3Labo Stanley B UnknownUSNRUNKUnknown Ship or Unit, Hawaii12/22/1943Spokane
PFCLarsen Cecil E 506489 USMCRKIA1st Armd Amph Bn, Marianas Is7/21/1944Spokane
PFCLittlefield Joseph M 830401 USMCRKIA4th Marine Div, Marianas Is6/17/1944Spokane
PFCLucente Louis M 887177 USMCRKIAVMF-113, Okinawa6/10/1945Spokane
TM3CMaddox John W 3861889USNFODUSS Capelin SS-289, PTO12/15/1943Spokane
PFCMagaurn Charles 325262USMCKIA4th Marine Div, Marianas Is6/15/1944Spokane
1 LTMcAllister Charles R O-018150USMCRKIA1st Prov Mar Brig, Marianas Is7/21/1944Spokane
SGTMenane Frank W 274494USMCKIA2nd Marine Div, Marianas Is7/2/1944Spokane
CplMiles Robert 536749USMCRKIA4th Marine Div, Okinawa5/11/1945Spokane
PFCMiller Maurice L 338655USMCDOW2nd Marine Div, Marianas Is6/16/1944Spokane
SGTMiller Robert A 254042USMCKIA-POWUnstated Philippines POW Camp2-Jan-43Spokane
RM1CMiller Truman W 3681975USNFODUnknown Ship or Unit, Java2/23/1942Spokane
SGTMitchell Loren L 405170USMCKIA6th Marine Div, OkinawaSpokane
1 LTModesitt Donald W 0-026667USMCKIAMarine Attack Sq 331, Marshall Is8/4/1945Spokane
S1CMoore Clifford Carl 3934431USNFODUSS Juneau CL-52, Solomons11/13/1942Spokane
ENSO'Brien Frank 0-350969USNRFODUSS Hornet, PTO9/24/1944Spokane
GM2CO'Connell Leo L UnknownUSNRKIAUnknown Ship or Unit, PTO4/18/1945Spokane
F3COman Charles Lee 6542800USNRFODUSS Monssen DD-436, Solomons13-Nov-42Spokane
PSgtOwen John H 279551USMCKIA3rd Marine Div, Marianas Is7/21/1944Spokane
F1CPartridge Raymond E 6644654USNRFODUSS Kimberly DD-521, Ryukyus Is3/26/1945Spokane
PVTPetersen Ralph Merle 325260USMCFODUnknown Ship or Unit, PTO1/7/1946Spokane
EM1CPeterson Melvin E 6643689USNRFODUSS Cooper DD-695, Philippines12/3/1944Spokane
AMM2Plotts Philip E UnknownUSNKIAUnknown Ship or Unit10/26/1943Tyler
SGTPreston Lee A 238081USMCKIA-POWUnstated Philippines POW Camp12/24/1942Spokane
RM3CPringle Orville V 6645142USNRFODUSS Maddox, Med-Sea7/10/1943Spokane
LtRasque George W 199874USNRKIAConstruction Bt Regt 44, Okinawa5/14/1945Spokane
S2CRichardson John W 6656674USNFODUSS Hoel, Battle of Samar10/25/1944Spokane
1 LTRoberts Robert T O-018305USMCRFODUnknown Unit, Solomon Islands9/23/1943Spokane
S2CRogers Eugene Owen 6644630USNRFODUSS Suwannee CVE-27, PTO11/15/1942Opportunity
LT (jg.)Safford Robert F 0-145278USNRFODUSS Liscome Bay CVE-56, PTO11/25/1944Spokane
S1CSantora Gabriel E 6649117USNRFODUnknown Unit, Marianas Is7/24/1944Spokane
S1CSchenck Richard J 3684572USNFODUSS Asheville PG-21, Java3/3/1942Spokane
S2CSchierman Reuben 6030737USNRFODUnknown Ship or Unit, Aruba7/27/1942Spokane
PFCScott George H 290194USMCKIAUSS Arizona BB-3912/7/1941Spokane
ACRMScott Raymond Carl 4120977USNRFODUnknown Ship or Unit, Atlantic8/1/1943Spokane
WT1Selfridge Henry A 3932127USNFODUSS Asheville PG-21, Indian Ocean3/1/1942Spokane
PVTSimpson Robert E 422063USMCRFOD4th Marine Div, Iwo Jima2/20/1945Spokane
CplSmith Glen R 338348USMCKIA2nd Marine Div, Gilbert Is11/24/1943Greenacres
EM3CSmith Glenn Arnold 6541118USNRKIAUSS Hornet CV-8, PTO10/26/1942Spokane
CM3CSmith Houston T 8849594USNRKIAConstruction Btn 106, Okinawa4/16/1945Spokane
S2CSperry James F 8924445USNRKIAUnknown Ship or Unit, PTO9/22/1944Spokane
PHM3CSpohr Thomas R 3934537USNKIASeventh Marines, Guadalcanal11/8/1942Spokane
S1CStapleton Robert G UnknownUSNKIAUSS New Orleans CA-32, PTO11/30/1942Spokane
PFCStevens James F 263778USMCKIA1stProvMarBrig, Marianas7/21/1944Spokane
SSgtStewart Leon R 216314USMCKIA-POWFukuoka POW Camp #111/4/1944Opportunity
PVTSturmer Herman F Jr. 506490USMCKIA2nd Marine Div, Gilbert Is11/20/1943Spokane
GM2CSupinger Lewis R 1949159USNRFODUSN, Chevalier DD-451, PTO10/6/1943Deep Creek
EM3CSweet Walter W 6647188USNRFODUSS Cisco SS-290, China Sea9/28/1943Spokane
S2CTryon Perry R 7652591USNRFODUSS Spence, West Pacific12/18/1944Opportunity
S1CTupper Orren O 666596USCGFODUSCGC Clover, Alaska5/18/1944Spokane
AMM1VanHorn John R 4035146USNRFODUSS VB-107 V, Brazil8/8/1944Spokane
S1CVanHouten Arthur F 8923570USNRKIAUSS LST-695, Leyte10/24/1944Spokane
S1CWalter Arlen A 3687314USNFODUnknown Ship or Unit, PTO7/10/1944Spokane
1 LTWetzel Raymond H O-20909USMCRDNBUnknown Unit, Caroline Islands7/29/1945Spokane
2 LTWheeler Jack M 322792USMCRKIA5th Marine Div, Iwo Jima2/19/1945Spokane
MM3CWoolum William E 6540362USNRFODUSS Selfridge DD-357, PTO10/6/1943Spokane

Stevens and Thurston Counties, US Army, AAF, USN, USMC & USCG

   Page last updated January 10, 2021