The Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM) is the third highest Defense/Joint peacetime award. The DMSM was
established by E.O. 12019, November 3, 1977.
The DMSM is not the same as the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM), which is a separate U.S. Military Department decoration. Both have virtually identical award criteria, but the DMSM is awarded to Service members assigned to qualifying joint activities, whereas the Military Department MSM is awarded to Service members in Service-unique military units.
Criteria: Awarded in the name of the Secretary of Defense to any active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces who, while serving in a joint activity, distinguishes himself or herself by non-combat meritorious achievement or service. The meritorious service is generally for a period of time greater than 12 months and encompassing an individual’s entire joint assignment, including any extensions. The required achievement or service, while of a lesser degree than that required for award of the DSSM, must have been accomplished with distinction. Service members assigned and/or attached to a JTF as individuals (not as members of a Service unit) may also be eligible for the DMSM. Members of Service-unique units assigned and/or attached to a JTF retain eligibility for award of personal decorations from their parent Services. They may not be awarded Defense/Joint decorations.
The DMSM shall only be awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces who, after November 3, 1977, distinguished themselves by non-combat meritorious achievement or service. The DMSM is specifically intended to recognize exceptionally meritorious service performance and to honor an individual's accomplishments over a sustained period. Only under the most unusual circumstances will the DMSM be awarded as an impact award for outstanding TDY (Temporary DutY) achievement.
The DMSM will not be awarded for any period of service for which a Military Department medal is awarded.
Defense/Joint awards including the DMSM may be awarded posthumously. When so awarded, they may be presented to an appropriate representative of the deceased, as determined by the awarding authority.
Description: The Medal is bronze and is 1 1/2 inches in diameter overall consisting of a circular wreath of laurel tied with a ribbon at the base and at the center a pentagon shape slightly overlapping the wreath; overall is an eagle with wings upraised standing at the base of the pentagon.
Category of Award: Defense/Joint Personal Performance Award
Authorized: November 3, 1977, Executive Order 12019, November 3, 1977.
Device(s): Bronze and/or Silver Oak Leaf Cluster (if applicable)
AR 600-8-22, Military Awards; Page 20.
DoD Manual 1348.33-M, Manual of Military Decorations and Awards; Pages 27 and 28, Page 103.
DoD Manual 1348.33, Volume 1, Manual of Military Decorations and Award; Pages 42-45, and Page 64.
Page updated May 4, 2017